Wednesday 7 March 2012

Tories punishing the disabled shouldn't surprise anyone

Don't be shocked by the Tories throwing thousands of disabled people out of Remploy factories.
Whatever gave you the impression that slick Tory millionaires would give a toss about the poor, sick, jobless, disabled, NHS or anything else that matters to real people?
They just want to open the doors so that their greedy rich supporters and providers of funds can exploit and buy up the health service, the police etc and exploit young unemployed by getting them to work for no pay for firms like Tesco.
Idiots who buy the 'Labour spent it all' line don't have the intelligence to ask why countries like the USA are suffering the same problems - or to see the common factor is out of control bankers, hedge funds etc.
Uncontrolled capitalism will always descend into greed and punish those like the disabled who can't fight back.

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